Award-winning video content.
After another long winter, spring has finally arrived. You look out your window and begin to wonder where you should start on your yard to get it ready for the upcoming year. You know the grass needs fertilizer, but when? You should probably clean off your deck too, but does that come before or after you treat the yard for bugs? Each spring consumers face the same questions of when to do what to make their yard look great, and it was this insight that lead to the creation of our 3 tips in 30 seconds video series.
Every two weeks marked the released a fun video telling customers exactly what they need to do in their yards to make them look great. We start with winter clean up, move into seeding, fertilizing and weed control, before finishing out the series by getting your patio ready for long summer nights. It was a new approach to video content that aligned with our overall marketing strategy to give customers the right information at the right time.
7 Videos
270,000+ series views
Filmed on low-cost DLSR
While the overall concept is simple enough, getting this series off the ground took a surprisingly long time. The original idea can be credited to Matt Mitchell, Creative Manager at Lowe’s. Matt had the vision to greatly shorten the length of the overall video and get customers the information faster. This is a no-brainer now (ahem, Vine) but at the time believe it or not it was a bold idea.
iMedia 25 Brands Redefining Content Marketing
In 2013 this video series was specifically recognized for it’s innovation in the content marketing industry.
The best place to see Lowe’s utility-driven approach to content is on the brand’s YouTube channel, which hosts an impressive library of tip-driven videos that teach customers what they need to know without taking up too much of their time or insulting them with an obvious sales pitch. Here’s just one video from a series that promises three tips in 30 seconds.
YouTube Channel Takeover
I also designed a custom channel page for Lowe’s which coincided with each release. The page linked out to the products discussed during the video, creating a seamless customer experience. Here is an example of what the page looked like during video #2.