In the home improvement world, a lot of the content is surprisingly similar. A quick search for “Gas vs. Charcoal” on YouTube will yield over 17,000 results with the majority coming from random blogs and other semi-unreliable sources of information. When it comes to making a buying guide, it can be hard to stand out from the pack. Worst of all, this kind of content is traditionally boring. We wanted to test a new kind of video…something we jokingly referred to as info-tainment.
info-tain-ment (noun)
The art of creating content that is both informative and entertaining.

My favorite part about this project is its low cost. We had no money. So I shot the footage in my backyard and behind some of Lowe’s facilities. A few idiot commenters called this “the greatest ad ever.” LOL. But it was fun.
Written by Kim Evans & Matt Mitchell