Legacy Portfolio Item
This website was built in 2011 and is still live as of 2015. Since 2013 I no longer actively manage this website.
User-Experience…for kids?
Lowe’s Build & Grow is a program where kids get to come in and build a small wooden toy…with their family…for free! It’s truly one of the most wonderful marketing programs I have ever seen and it has developed a devoted following of customers who participate time & time again. The problem? The old website was a total eye-sore and required way to many steps to sign up for a clinic. It was a constant source of complaints for both customers and employees (who have a back-end system to manage the sign ups).
To give you an idea of complexity, here is what we identified as the key deliverables: a customer facing web-application with account management area + a mobile site that delivered the same functionality + new back-end to support this + a new employee back-end to manage the sign ups. Oh and that last one means heavy involvement with our IT network since not just any web-app is allowed on store computers (for obvious reasons).
Desktop Homepage Design Comp
Due to the new legislature, we significantly scaled back the “kid-friendly design” of the website. Many of the original design elements were removed.